People often use wikis for tips and tricks, so each mission should have its own page with strategies, objectives, tactics, tips, reinforcements (what on which turn and where they spawn) and any quirks or new things introduced. Sunrider First Arrival/Mask of Arcadius, Sunrider: Liberation Day, Sunrider Academy and Sunrider 4 should each have their own individual pages with a cliff notes plot summery, technical information (minimum system requirements), release dates, production credits, differences from previous titles and general trivia about the games. Hailing from the neutral world of Cera, you are thrown onto the galactic stage when your world is invaded by PACT. Together with his loyal First Officer, he undertakes to find allies across the stars to retake his home planet and restore peace to the galaxy. It is visually similar to the Nightmare, and was possibly based on the Nightmare's design as an attempt to replicate the formidable Ryuvian Ryder. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so.
You are Captain Kayto Shields of the starship Sunrider. The Arcadius is the designation for the special ryder, or rather, a series of ryders piloted by Veniczar S. Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. ACDB Log In ACDB Log In: Nombre de Usuario. Of the 126520 characters on Anime Characters Database, 16 are from the visual novel Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius. We should go into more detail in regards to that. Arcadius and his cult of personality, PACT appears intent on dominating every human being in the galaxy. Of the 126520 characters on Anime Characters Database, 16 are from the visual novel Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius. Searching "Chigara" takes you to a search page, rather than a redirect to the "Chigara Lynn Ashada" article, or more properly, a disambiguation between Chigara and Chigara (Academy), the latter of which doesn't even exist. We need to work on redirection pages and disambiguation pages. On that note, it looks like maintenance of the wiki just died in the middle of the LD beta, so the ending of LD and turn are entirely non-existent from the content. And her's doesn't even finish LD, or go into turn, while for some unknown reason the Asaga article, for all intents and purposes, doesn't exist. It was only his first day as the vice president of the Sunrider Academy student council when the. For the record, the Marth article on Fire Emblem Wiki and the Cloud Strife article on the Final Fantasy Wiki are about 10,000+ ( /wiki/Marth and /wiki/Cloud_Strife). Alternative version: Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius. For example, Chigara's article is a whopping 30,000+ Words.