The whole process was, at least in theory, a combined operation with 'point reconnaissance' by frigates and smaller vessels at the sharp end and squadrons of larger warships waiting in the wings (or over the horizon, so the enemy never knew how many, if any, were present) in case they were needed to counter a sortie. Agents would be dropped in and picked up and their information (on which ships were present and which if any were readying to leave) acted upon. Occasionally 'cutting out' raids would be launched to extract such vessels from enemy harbours. In addition, individual frigates, corvettes and other small armed vessels (often brigs) would watch specific sectors of coastline to snap up enemy small warships emerging from lesser ports for reconnaissance or commerce raiding (and blockade runners trying to get through). The rest of the blockading force would be further away so that it could join the support force in the event of the enemy being seen to leave harbour or, if the enemy had slipped past the observing frigate(s) during a storm, the main fleet could follow an interception course to catch the escaped enemy before they reached their objective (or at least follow them with a good chance of engaging if anything delayed them). The usual mechanics of blockade involved a frigate or two keeping a close watch on the port, with a few fast, strong ships of the line out of sight over the horizon in support (in case the blockaded fleet sent out a squadron to try and snap up the observing frigate). The Brest blockaders would, however, be in constant touch with the Channel Fleet (which would be in harbour or watching the French channel ports), and a swift dispatch vessel could apprise the Channel Fleet of any likelihood of the Brest fleet's departure in time for the Channel Fleet to move and intercept. Thus, Toulon, France's major base in the Mediterranean, would usually be watched by a strong, self-contained fleet, whereas Brest, the major base for the Atlantic, would be watched by a few frigates supported by a handful of ships of the line. The composition of the squadron would reflect the enemy force available and the distance from Britain. I know the Royal Navy used blockades during conflicts, but how exactly did these work? Did they just park a massive fleet of ships out side all the enemies ports, target ships leavingĭuring the Napoleonic wars, the Admiralty assigned a blockading squadron to watch each major enemy naval base.
Does anyone have the pc game Royal Envoy 2?.Walkthrough of maze in level 48 Expert mode See Strategy Guide at. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 57 Trembling Earth Walkthrough. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 57 Trembling Earth Walkthrough.Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 56 Trembling Earth Walkthrough. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 56 Trembling Earth Walkthrough.Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 55 Eastern Arctic Walkthrough. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 55 Eastern Arctic Walkthrough.Yes, the ransom is 20 thousands and a hundred So, You have to build the mansion first. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 45 Valley of the Forest Nymphs Walkthrough. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 45 Valley of the Forest Nymphs Walkthrough.You need 2 dovecotes and 3 houses to achieve 300 happiness. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 53 Eastern Arctic Walkthrough. Royal Envoy 2 Gameplay Level 53 Eastern Arctic Walkthrough.You dont need it.ĭemolish 3 statues to hire workers and repair villas. Never try to build the bridge leads to the beehive. You can find the other way behind the trees. 50 fishes are not enough.ĭo not pay 50000 gold. You need 3 dovecotes and 3 houses to win the level.
You cant install gardens in the Arctic, so you must increase happiness with dovecotes and urban enhancements. Levels in Expert mode are the same as normal Adventure mode, but the time limit. Ive never played original Royal Envoy before. Build the bank as soon as possible after feeding the glutton. Make the leprechaun happy, and then demolish 9. With 400 wood, you must build 16 flowerbeds to achieve 400 happiness. You dont have to win snowball fight to beat the level.