Cetologists study marine mammals, such as whales and dolphins.Following are some examples of specialization by species: Zoologists generally specialize first in either vertebrates or invertebrates and then in specific species. For example, zoologists and wildlife biologists may work with environmental scientists and hydrologists to monitor water pollution and its effects on fish populations. Most zoologists and wildlife biologists work on research teams with other scientists and technicians. Today, many also work with public officials in conservation efforts that protect species from threats and help animal populations return to and remain at sustainable levels. Traditionally, many wildlife biologists researched ways to encourage abundant game animal populations to support recreational hunting and tourism. For example, many zoologists and wildlife biologists work to increase our knowledge and understanding of wildlife species. Zoologists and wildlife biologists conduct research for a variety of purposes. They also use these computer programs to forecast the spread of invasive species or diseases, project changes in the availability of habitat, and assess other potential threats to wildlife. Zoologists and wildlife biologists use geographic information systems (GIS), modeling software, and other computer programs to estimate wildlife populations and track the movements of animals. Wildlife biologists also do applied work, such as the conservation and management of wildlife populations. Although the roles and abilities of zoologists and wildlife biologists often overlap, zoologists typically conduct scientific investigations and basic research on particular types of animals, such as birds or amphibians, whereas wildlife biologists are more likely to study specific ecosystems or animal populations, such as a particular at-risk species. For example, they take blood samples from animals to assess their nutrition levels, check animals for disease and parasites, and tag animals in order to track them. Zoologists and wildlife biologists perform a variety of scientific tests and experiments. Develop conservation plans and make recommendations on wildlife conservation and management issues to policymakers and the general public.Give presentations on research findings to academics and the general public.Write research papers, reports, and scholarly articles that explain their findings.Develop and implement programs to reduce risk to human activities from wildlife and invasive species, such as keeping wildlife from impacting airport operations or livestock and crop production.Estimate, monitor, and manage wildlife populations and invasive plants and animals.Research, initiate, and maintain ways of improving breeding programs that support healthy game animals, endangered species, or other wild populations of land or aquatic life.Analyze the influence that human activity has on wildlife and their natural habitats.Study the characteristics of animals, such as their interactions with other species, reproduction, population dynamics, diseases, and movement patterns.Collect biological data and specimens for analysis.Develop and conduct experimental studies with animals in controlled or natural surroundings.Zoologists and wildlife biologists typically do the following: They study the physical characteristics of animals, animal behaviors, and the impacts humans have on wildlife and natural habitats.

Zoologists and wildlife biologists study animals and other wildlife and how they interact with their ecosystems.